1 .How to Print duplicate characters from String
2 Write a Java program to get the character at the given index within the String
3 Write a Java program to get the character Unicode code point before the specified index within the
4 How to count occurrence of a given character in String
5.Write a java program to count the occurrences of a given character without using any loop
6 How to return highest occurred character in a String | APIPOTHI
7 Write a program to print first non repeated character from String
8 How do you find first repeated character in the given string in java
9 Write a java program to find the duplicate words and their number of occurrences
10 Write a java program to reverse a string using "charAt(int index)" function || APIPOTHI
11.Write a java program to reverse a string using, java string toCharArray() || APIPOTHI
12 Write a java program to reverse a string java.lang.StringBuffer.reverse() || APIPOTHI