00 The Contents : ARRAY-Level-00 || ARRAY || APIPOTHI ||
1. How to Find Missing Number in Array using JAVA || ARRAY || INTERVIEW || APIPOTHI
2 Write a Java program to find the sum of an array
3 Write a Java program to calculate the average of an array elements || APIPOTHI
4 Write a Java program to find the index of specific element in an array || APIPOTHI
5 Write a Java program to test if an array contains a specific value
6 Write a Java program to insert an element specific position into an array
7. Write a Java program to find the maximum and minimum value of an array || APIPOTHI
8 Write a Java program to sort the numeric array | APIPOTHI
8_1 Write a Java program to sort the numeric array using “Arrays.sort()”
8_2 Write a Java program to sort the numeric sub array using “Arrays.sortArray( 2, 8)
8_3 Write a Java program to sort the numeric array using in descending order